Newsletter January 2020

By   7 February 2020

Dear SIGLOG Members,

This year’s January issue of the SIGLOG Newsletter appeared.

In this issue

  • The SIGLOG Chair comments on recent developments regarding open access.
  • Neil Immerman’s Complexity column features a tutorial on constant delay enumeration for conjunctive queries by Christoph Berkholz, Fabian Gerhardt and Nicole Schweikardt.
  • In Ranko Lazić’s Verification column, Nathalie Bertrand surveys existing approaches to model checking randomized distributed algorithms.
  • In Jorge A. Pérez’s section with Conference Reports, Mário S. Alvim, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Carlos Olarte, and Frank D. Valencia report on a one-day event dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi’s scientific career and contributions.
  • We end with a Call for Nominations for the 2020 Alonzo Church Award and the latest issue of SIGLOG Monthly, which contains a series of conference announcements with approaching deadlines.
