The ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (SIGLOG) is a community organization dedicated to the advancement of logic and computation, and formal methods in Computer Science, broadly defined.

SIGLOG aims to serve a broad range of interests. The flagship conference will be the ACM-IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. A SIGLOG newsletter is planned to be published quarterly in an electronic format with community news, technical columns, members’ feedback, conference reports, book reviews and other items of interest to the community. An important activity of SIGLOG will be advocating for the importance of logic in the undergraduate computer science curriculum. Another important activity will be the establishment of prizes to recognize the outstanding contributions made by leading members of the community. SIGLOG will collaborate closely with EATCS and EACSL as well as other organizations, for example the Gödel Society. SIGLOG will maintain close ties with the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic.

SIGLOG seeks to be an inclusive and diverse organization. We are committed to encouraging the participation of women in computing and are pleased to note that there are many outstanding women leaders in the research areas covered by SIGLOG. We actively seek members from all geographical regions and from a broad variety of research interests.