Newsletter October 2017

By   20 October 2017

Dear SIGLOG Members,

This year’s October issue of the SIGLOG Newsletter appeared.

We pay tribute to two recently deceased pre-eminent computer scientists: Mike Gordon and Maurice Nivat.

The issue features three technical columns.

  • Nathanaël Fijalkow discusses undecidable problems for probabilistic automata in the Automata column edited by Mikołaj Bojańczyk.
  • David Basin, Cas Cremers, Jannik Dreier and Ralf Sasse present the T AMARIN prover – the latest tool for the symbolic analysis of security protocols – in Matteo Maffei’s Privacy & Security column.
  • In Mike Mislove’s Semantics column, Franck van Breugel writes about bisimilarity distances for probabilistic systems.
  • As usual, we wrap up with the latest issue of SIGLOG Monthly, prepared by Daniela Petrişan.