Dear SIGLOG Members,
After a summer full of scientific events, we are now at the last issue of 2023. This issue is quite rich, with two interesting technical columns and the report of the conference organizers of LICS’23, the SIGLOG flagship conference, and of CADE/FSCD.
In this issue
- In the Complexity column, Andrei Bulatov presents a very interesting survey by Ruiwen Dong on Algorithmic Problems for Semigroups, where the author reports on the state of the art by covering many of the recent advances and by identifying a number of open problems.
- In the Verification column, Christel Baier presents an article by Bentkamp, Blanchette, Nummelin, Tourret and Waldmann that provides an overview of the recently developed λ-superposition approach, a technique used by new theorem provers for verifying powerful logics in a very efficient way.
- Then, Joost-Pieter Katoen presents two conference reports: one about LICS’23, held
in Boston (USA), and the other one on the joint event that took place in Rome (IT) with the collocation of CADE and FSCD. - To conclude, we wrap up this number with the latest issue of SIGLOG Monthly, prepared by David Purser.
Daniele Gorla
Sapienza University of Rome
SIGLOG News Editor-in-Chief